Up to 2020, the Social Innovation Unit, as part of ADITech, promoted the following projects:
Patient autonomy and active ageing
Healthy food and farming sustainability
Sustainable, experience-based and inclusive
Sustainable, experience-based and inclusive
Circular economy and sustainability
ADACEN and a research team from the UPNA have developed two pioneering technological innovation projects for neurological rehabilitation. This took place at Neurolab, its innovation, agile experimentation spaces with users in a real environment (living lab), using the SIU social innovation methodology. The developments were:
These are two shining examples of technological developments using active participation from users to improve their quality of life: techno-social innovation
One of SIU’s main actions to strengthen the social innovation ecosystem in Navarre is setting up a network of living labs in this province. Living labs are spaces for experimentation and co-creation of innovative solutions with users in their real-life environment. In this respect, the SIU has begun to set up a network along two major lines:
Promoters: ADACEN, ASPACE, UPNA, Movalsys, Navarrabiomed, Padre Menni Psychiatric Clinics, Pharmamodelling, Aldakin, OSF, Tesicnor, Fundación Caja Navarra, Mutua Navarra and Fundación Koine Aequalitas.
The role of SIU: Co-design of the project, support in the search for financing, methodological contribution and joint management of social innovation projects.
Development of a system using sensors to detect slopes and prevent electric wheelchairs rolling over.
Promoters: ADACEN, UPNA, Navarrabiomed, Pharmamodelling, Aldakin, OSF, Tesicnor
The role of SIU: Joint project design. Composition and organisation of the promoter team. Support in search for funding. Methodological mentoring in the exploration process of the user experience and co-creation.
Development of an assistant with artificial intelligence to provide support in daily life, stimulation and alert system for persons with a disability or neurological risk.
Promoters: Health autonomy cluster
The role of SIU: Support in search for funding. Methodology mentoring. The project has been designed and is ready to begin.
Development of a range of dehydrated fruit and vegetable snacks for children-young people, creating inclusive female employment. Co-development of products with participation from children.
Promoters: Josenea Bio
The role of SIU: Joint project design. Support in search for funding. Methodological support in the social innovation process. Training in the Josenea team on social innovation. Support in developing participative processes.
Development of a range of healthy dairy snacks/desserts intended to improve child-youth nutrition.
Promoters: Lacturale, Postres Ultzama and CNTA
The role of SIU: Support in the project design and methodological mentoring in the social innovation process.
Development of a range of textured foods for people with swallowing difficulties
Promoters: Aspace, Irigoyen Comedor Saludable and UPNA
The role of SIU: Support in the project design and methodological mentoring in the social innovation process.